A few comments on video

August 07, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

A few comments on video:

Video is still really pretty new to me.  On this site you will find three types of videos.  The first is videos that I’ve made based on the still photographs.  This I am a complete rookie.  I did my first one for Fall 2016 soccer.  Personally I thought it came out ok, but I really still am learning.  The second type of video is GoPro.  Here I’m still learning what I can do and what works.  One thing I’ve found however: all the kids like taking this camera and making their own videos, which I’m happy to also put on the website.  How good will these videos be?  It’s a crap shoot, but I’m sure they will be important to whoever made it or whoever is in the videos.  Lastly, I’ve started doing more video with my SLR.  Here I’m admittedly pretty terrible.  Most of this video that I have put on here, though poor, I think at least shows the energy and the spirit of the event/place.  Again even though the video is not great, I thought people might like to see it.

For my girls’ communion I am putting on a totally blurry video that you can’t see a thing (from the church).  First…  yes… I am embarrassed that I didn’t realize it wasn’t in focus.  My only defense is: sometimes I can’t really tell and haven’t used video enough to be proficient.  So, why in the world would I embarrass myself with a video you can’t see anything?  For anyone who goes to St. Francis  -  if you listen to it - you will realize it’s Father Michael who is leading the song.  For those not in the know, Father Michael and his sisters Dora and Shirley passed away in a car accident only a few weeks later.  One of Father Michael’s passions was singing his favorite songs.  Whether it was Christmas where you had to practice ALL the carols before mass even started or even that Italian Lent song (sono stati, gesu mio – I don’t even know the name of it) that he made us practice over and over again before the mass started just so we had it right during the mass.  This song in the video he made the kids practice and he made sure there was full participation.  I thought it captured his spirit.  Apologies again for the poor video.


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